30 Jun 2013
Slow introvert day
in very extrovert light
early sleep that dream
29 Jun 2013
Came with the strange wind
from the old lost continent
to find her new home
28 Jun 2013
Severe morning frost
dissolved briefly in the sun
to stab pain the day
27 Jun 2013
Back again to vines
creating a hedgehog spike
amiss magic cold
26 Jun 2013
Tossing everything
into awkward twisted day
life fill to the brim
25 Jun 2013
Crashing noise in head
where the pressure builds inside
the point before break
24 Jun 2013
The lives that changing
in a life circumstances
determines living
23 Jun 2013
Changing reflection
with ice deep to the boneT
and super Moon shine
22 Jun 2013
Screw in tyre-dness
glazed over all shades of grey
reflecting from snow
21 Jun 2013
With light span shorted
the darkness conquering day
through cold spreading claws
20 Jun 2013
Slow positive flow
creating that atmosphere
like essence dribble
19 Jun 2013
Pressing low cold cloud
and surprise knock to the door
gave russian story
18 Jun 2013
Witchhunt step in like
into reverse of time day
through gray mist within
17 Jun 2013
The space stop within
slowly transcendent without
to shine peace withal
16 Jun 2013
Flood took over sites
so why not take early bed
and flood the deep dreams
15 Jun 2013
After the long break
converse the conversation
on friendship levels
14 Jun 2013
Rye bread dream priceless
silky woven by princess
twist with prettiness
13 Jun 2013
Dribble without storms
thightly out of the thin lines
resurrection days
12 Jun 2013
In the point of brake
so be inconsistantly
consistant through life
11 Jun 2013
Time bounty hunter
of restless recovery
hung in outer space
10 Jun 2013
Computer turned blue
and wine has told the story
while the horns grew strong
09 Jun 2013
Rain that time washed ducks
raised the water in channels
where we sit waiting
08 Jun 2013
The old black shoe box
with photographs of past time
found her name on side
07 Jun 2013
Slow questions about
mutual coexistence
turned sounds on the straws
06 Jun 2013
Orange rich moist flash
unravel us with sweetness
hot sun like pumpkin
05 Jun 2013
Inhaling day sun
with togetherness fresh scent
over no man's land
04 Jun 2013
Trenches of own mind
quietly settling life stir
in fresh consonance
03 Jun 2013
Profound reflection
is like time travel
02 Jun 2013
Harbinger of soul
traveling shine of Bifrost
back and fro non stop
01 Jun 2013
Life beat transference
slowly deeply throughout me
no time out of time

Remember, a haiku is normally formed over 3 lines consisting of 5 / 7 / 5 syllables. Compose your daily haiku in this space then come back and tweak it at any time during the day. Got it, let's get writing!

Forgotten password

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What is haikuary?

The term 'haikuary' is a blend of the words 'haiku' and 'diary'. Haiku is a short form of poetry, originating in Japan a few centuries ago.

Haiku normally contain 3 lines totalling 17 syllables, in the order of 5 / 7 / 5

Matsuo Basho, Japan's most famous writer of haiku, will illustrate the form:

Wrapping dumplings in
bamboo leaves, with one finger

she tidies her hair

A simple and beautiful glimpse into a flake of his life.

Here it is again, broken down:

Wrapp-ing dump-lings in (5 syllables)
bam-boo leaves, with one fin-ger
(7 syllables)
she tid-ies her hair
(5 syllables)

Why did I do it?

I was sitting with a friend in a Japanese restaurant in Auckland, New Zealand. Whilst waiting for our food I wrote a haiku on a paper placemat. It was something about noodles jumping into my belly and that we shall be good friends.

My friend suggested that this kind of simple poetry would benefit the children in her class and help them reflect on their day-to-day lives. I agreed and decided to create something online that would enable that, for everyone.

Taking time to reflect on the tiny and often forgotten moments in our daily lives can be cathartic and it's amazing what you can capture when limited to just 17 syllables; it focuses the mind.

But haikuary is not about Poking and 'I Like This!' so feel free to switch on 'private mode' (in your settings area) and keep your writings personal, or share them with the community and inspire others.

Why the invitations?

This was never going to be a giant project, and I wanted to ensure that the people creating their daily haiku were here for the right reason; to take time out, to reflect. I believe that word of mouth, friends inviting friends, tends to be the best way of achieving this.

It also makes it a little special.

And it's yours

Whilst this is a great place to write and centralise your haikuary from anywhere you have an internet connection, you should ideally download your writings as often as possible.

I will do my best to ensure your haikuary entries are safe, but we all know how technology can let us down. Personally, I download my haikuary at least once a week. Go to the menu inside your account (top right hand corner) and select Download as PDF - I have designed it to look like an old book.

Thanks for sharing

I hope you enjoy adding to your haikuary every day. If you think you know someone who may also enjoy taking a small amount of time every day to create their own, send them an invite (it's in the menu at the top right corner, when you're logged in)

If you have any suggestions as to how I could improve things, do get in touch.

in love,
Gavin Bloemen

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If you have any questions or suggestions, please email me,
